

十大彩票网投平台 celebrated its 60th Anniversary Friday, May 5, 2023, with a ceremony on campus and announced it will receive a $20 million gift for construction 一个新的表演艺术中心.

University 总统 Jo Bonner made the announcement that philanthropist and long-time 南 supporter Abraham “Abe” Mitchell is adding to his legacy of generosity with 这个转化的礼物. Mitchell has now given the University $120 million, making him one of the largest donors to a public university in the state of Alabama. 

“It gives me great happiness to see the impact that my support – and that of my family – has brought to the 十大彩票网投平台,” Mitchell said. “它的影响 had on our students, on their ability to attend and graduate from college, and their ability to pursue their dreams and establish dreams for their future generations.”

十大彩票网投平台校长乔·邦纳说, 正确的, announces a $20 million gift from Abraham "Abe" Mitchell at the University's 60th Anniversary celebration. 的 donation will be used to build a new performing arts center on campus.  十大彩票网投平台校长乔·邦纳说, 正确的, announces a $20 million gift from Abraham "Abe" Mitchell at the University's 60th Anniversary celebration. 的 donation will be used to build a new performing arts center on campus.

的 site of the future performing arts building is yet to be determined, and further 筹款正在进行中. Once completed, the state-of-the art facility will complement the current Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, serving the University and the entire 移动社区. 

“World-class cities feature world class event venues,” said Jo Bonner, University 南阿拉巴马州总统. “Mr. 米切尔的慷慨让我们可以接下一个 big step toward advancing the arts both on campus and throughout the region.” 

Today’s ceremony on campus kicks off a year-long 60th anniversary celebration with events focused on remembering the many milestones achieved and looking ahead to growing its mission of serving students, the region and the state as the “Flagship of the 墨西哥湾沿岸.”

“We are here today as a thriving University and healthcare system, the product but 不是所有先人的最后故事. 这是你的大学,”邦纳说. “While it is important to look back and reflect on our first 60 years, you will help 决定我们的未来. 75点的时候我们会在哪里?”

南’s story began in the early 1960s, when Mobile’s civic leaders saw the need to 改善阿拉巴马州西南部接受高等教育的机会. 意识到这个地区 outgrown the small extension program that operated out of a building downtown, they formulated plans for a four-year, degree-granting institution. 1963年5月3日,一项法案 creating a new, independent university successfully passed the Alabama Legislature, 十大彩票网投平台由此诞生.

Classes began in June 1964 at a new, $1 million building in west Mobile with an initial 276人. 的 extent of the pent-up demand for education became obvious when the first fall semester began, enrollment leaped to 928 — and it continues to grow. Today, 南 enrolls more than 13,500 students annually and has awarded more than 92000度.  


